Join Pace Youth

28th August 2022

Please note for the 2024/25 season Pace Youth has NO U15s team and therefore cannot offer places for that age group. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

If you’re looking to find a place for your son or daughter with Pace Youth FC please fill out the short form below and we will get in touch with you regarding available spaces.

At Pace Youth we allow our team managers to control the size and makeup of their playing squads, as a result their are times where teams at certain age groups are full and not looking to add new players. Should that be the case we can add you to our waiting list and may contact you in the future regarding available spaces.

Please note that being on the waiting does not guarantee that we be able to offer you a space in the future. At the end of every season we will contact all those on the waiting list to update them on the availability within our teams.

For enquires regarding 4 or 5 year old children, please see the page for Pace Minis here.

For adult football enquires please contact